Welcome to The Scoreboard, a weekly sports debate. Tell us who you think wins and weigh in in the comment section.


Charles Williams III
New York, NY  (transplant from Richmond, VA)
Proud Virginia Tech Hokie
Born 7/30/78

My Teams:

Duke Basketball
All Hokie Everything

What I love about the sports world:
Watching the historic moments happen (Jordan’s 55 in his return to the garden, The Malice at the Palace, Jeter’s home run for 3,000, Federer v. Nadal 2008 Wimbledon, etc).  I love seeing great performances from great teams/players, even if I’m not rooting for them. Most of all, I love to argue, that’s why I’m here.

What I hate about the sports world:
The over emphasis on the intangibles. I hate phrases like “they just wanted more than the other team ”and “he/she  is just a gamer”. I hate it when writers and commentators attribute the Giants winning the 2010 world series to their team chemistry as opposed to the fact that Edgar Rentaria had some huge hits and San Fran’s pitching, even not at it’s best, was still better than the Rangers’. Strength, speed, talent and luck are responsible for winning and losing, I hate when people try make it about personalities.


Hilary DeCourcey
Born 9/3/81
Began life on a blueberry farm in Hugo, OR and spent a decade in NYC (2000-2010), and now find myself in Portland, OR living the Portlandia life.

THE teams:
Mets (sadface)
Oregon Duck everything

My Crash Davis insta-bio:

I believe in the soul, Mr. Met would beat the shit out of the Phanatic in a MMA fight, there is no sports connection more beautiful than the rainbow pass hitting the wide receiver in stride for a game clinching TD, I believe Tom Brady is the devil’s spawn with fabulous hair. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald is a patsy, college football players should all get an even cut of the profit the NCAA (and their teams) makes on them, and the 5th best feeling in the world is sinking a three over an outstretched hand. I believe the DH is ridiculous and all baseball and football games should be played under a wide open sky

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